
Rules and Recommendations

How can I protect myself from COVID-19?

In the absence of a specific vaccine or treatment for this disease, it is crucial to take into account the 5 preventive measures:

  • distance between people: keep distance of at least 2 meters
  • utilization of protective equipment
  • personal hygiene, namely the hand washing and respiratory tag
  • environmental hygiene, such as cleaning and disinfection
  • keep an eye out for your symptoms: if they arise and are suggestive of COVID-19 (cough, fever or difficulty breathing) should opt for telecommuting or, in their impossibility, abstaining from work


Is it mandatory to wear a mask?

Yes in some places. The government mandatory the use of masks by all persons who:

  • stay or access indoor spaces with multiple people:
    • commercial establishments and services
    • public services and buildings
    • educational establishments and daycare centers
  • use public transport

It is important to remember that the use of a mask is a measure of additional protection against social detachment, hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette. The general population will be able to use community masks and whoever belongs to the risk group should wear surgical masks.

What should I do if I have had close contact with an infected person?

If you have symptoms you should:

  • call SNS 24 - 808 24 24 24 and choose the option:
    • 1 - if you have a fever (temperature ≥ 38.0ºC) or cough, and follow the guidelines given
    • 2 - if you have symptoms other than fever or cough, and follow the guidelines given
  • avoid being around people

If you have no symptoms (fever (temperature ≥ 38.0ºC), tosse ou dificuldade em respirar) deve:

  • contact SNS - 808 24 24 24, choose option 0 and follow the guidelines given to you

I have no symptoms, but I was in contact with a person with COVID-19. What should I do?

You should contact the SNS 24 through 808 24 24 24 and choose option 0 - ”If you don't have fever, nor cough, nor any other symptom, but was close to a person who has COVID-19 or who recently did the test”- and follow the guidelines given to you.

Source: Direção-Geral da Saúde (DGS
